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Can it really be September already?  We have been blessed with glorious weather this past month but can now see trees beginning to turn russet brown which is a sure sign Autumn is on its way.  The fields and paths are very dry but hopefully it will be a good few months before the mud returns!  September is also harvesting time, so we have been feasting on delicious, sweet blackberries and damsons.  A few kind people also leave their surplus apples and garden produce for us to pick up as we pass by!

The evenings are getting dark too quickly which means our programme of summer pubs walks has sadly come to an end.  We have enjoyed some great walks and had a lot of laughs in the pub afterwards, so a big thank you to all our leaders and everyone who joined us. 

We have enjoyed some good walking and ended the month with a fabulous 10 mile walk around the green spaces of north London.  Wonderful views to be had from Alexandra Park, Hampstead Heath, Parliament Hill and Primrose Hill.  The Wellbeing Walks continue to be popular but please note new timing for Monday’s Heath & Reach Walk, which now starts at 10am and not 10.30am.

September of course sees the return of the Bedfordshire Festival of Autumn Walks, from 7 – 15th September, which is hosted by the four Bedfordshire Ramblers groups.  Over 50 walks are on offer with most between 5-10 miles, but shorter walks and special interest walks are also available.  A few places are still available to book on the “walk and sail” trip on the John Bunyan Community Boat.  For further details, see the full programme of walks on the festival website www.bedswalkfest.co.uk.  The programme is being updated regularly so do keep checking back.  There is also a dedicated Facebook Group which will be updated daily during the Festival, so take a look to see what’s happening - “Bedfordshire Festival of Autumn Walks”.   Our thanks must go to the festival organisers, the walk leaders and to the other groups who have kindly offered to put on walks for us.

Our Autumn social calendar begins on Saturday 12th October with an Archery Taster Session at 10.30am for an 11am start.  Instruction is being provided by the Dunstable Bowmen Archery Club.  Please register your interest with our social secretary Paul B, letting him know your height and whether you are right or left-handed.  All equipment and instruction will be provided at a cost of £25 per person.  phbyatt@msn.com   Further details will be provided nearer the time.

Saturday, 19th October sees the return of singer Billy Lee to Wing Village Hall.  Billy appeared in one series of “Stars in their Eyes” as the legendary Sir Tom Jones, but he also performs as other celebrity singers in his Act.  Dancing, singing, great company, tea, coffee and cakes – all add up to a great evening.  Friends and family are welcome too, so book your tickets now by contacting Paul B.  phbyatt@msn.com  Further details on our social events page.

Don’t forget to check our Facebook page for latest information and photo’s.  A reminder that there is a link to our Instagram page below and, whereas Facebook requires an account, there is no requirement to sign-up to Instagram via this link so do have a look at the photo’s from our walks.


The Ramblers’ Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration number:4458492. Registered Charity in England and Wales number:1093577. Registered office:2nd floor,Camelford House,87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
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