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Leighton Buzzard Ramblers are proud to be part of The Ramblers Association, which works to conserve the countryside, actively challenges to ensure public rights of way stay open and accessible for all and encourages walking as a form of exercise, mental well-being and exploration of our beautiful and dramatic countryside.

Our Leighton Buzzard group has been leading walks since 1985, offering a varied programme of walks, which are organised monthly and posted two months in advance on our website.We offer walks every Sunday and also offer a midweek walk every week, at least once and sometimes twice. We enjoy exploring our local countryside and also further afield and we offer a mix of lengths , generally between 6-12 miles. Please take a look at what is currently on offer by going to our Walks Programme tab.

We welcome all ages and abilities and do like to encourage our members to lead a walk once in a while, as this continues to generate a huge wealth of walks and also develops confidence in our members to look to explore, plan and share their love of the countryside. We all have a favourite area or walk and all of our members enjoy sharing these fabulous experiences with you. Please do come and join us for one of our walks and you can be sure of a warm welcome. You can also view some of our previous walks and see some of our amazing photos on Facebook and Instagram.

In addition to our regular calendar of walks, the group also undertakes long distance challenges, which can be organised by our committee or by individual members. We have annual walk outings to explore hidden London and look to offer walks which can be accessed by public transport. Group members will often car share to increase the availability of walks to all members to be able to access.

We organise and offer annual walking breaks and this year we are having a 4 night half board stay on the Isle of Wight in May, with a selection of longer and shorter walks being offered each day.

Leighton Buzzard Ramblers has an active Social Calendar, with at least one social gathering each month. Our social events range from BBQ’s, Barn Dances and Race Nights to Treasure Hunts, Breakfast walks and Jazz lunches.

If, as we hope we have, persuaded you to give us a go, then an additional bonus of being part of The Ramblers Association membership, is that you are welcome to walk with any registered group in the UK, whenever you wish to. You can continue to explore with other groups in other areas, you can participate in walks around the UK when you are visiting other areas or on holiday. By joining Ramblers you are helping to open access, maintain footpaths and to conserve our beautiful countryside for future generations.

View the 25 year history of the group